3 New Year’s Tech Resolutions Your Business Should Make in 2023
The new year brings an opportunity to reflect and review what has worked well in helping your business to achieve goals and what did not work as well as projected. Whether the goal is to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, or other key performance indicators—technology will play a massive role in how successful your business is at achieving those goals. Budgets, timing, and turnovers can be a roadblock to businesses even considering moving forward with updating their technology.
However, taking the opportunity to schedule a consultation or get an assessment can show areas where there is a genuine necessity for technological advancement. The key is to be specific about your goals, start small, and build on that foundation until you reach your goal.
Here are 3 tech resolutions you can use to help get you started:
Improve Your Customer Experience
Total customer satisfaction is something that most businesses strive to reach and maintain. Providing fast and reliable service is one way to achieve that goal.
However, the pandemic has changed how customers want to be served, and to be successful, businesses need to develop multiple ways of communicating and serving their customers. These days, it’s all about convenience and accessibility.
One way to provide convenience is maximize your website. You can use your website as a portal to communicate with current customers or to attract new customers. You could also publish blog posts to inform your customers about any new products or services, what’s new in your industry, or even blog about community events. If you sell products from your website, make sure your website is secure, easy to navigate, visually appealing, and provide a pleasurable experience for your customers.
Invest in Cyber Security
If your business uses the internet, it is at equal risk of experiencing a cyber threat or attack. While many believe that small businesses are immune to become victims of cyber attacks, that is not the case. There are multiple points of entry for viruses and malware. Therefore, it would be best if you did everything possible to protect your business and customers.
A security assessment is an excellent first step in determining where your cyber security practices may need improvement. It may be time to update old and obsolete hardware. Be sure to make all scheduled software updates and security patches to help protect your network from cyber threats. Employee education is one of the most critical components of a good cyber security plan. All employees should be aware of company cyber security protocols and why you have them in place.
If you have yet to implement annual cyber security training, 2023 is your year to start. Training employees on password security, phishing scams, social media etiquette, and protecting your company and customer data is just as necessary as having the best virus protection, software, or firewalls.
Get Help With Your IT Needs By Hiring a CoManaged Services Provider
Co-Managed IT providers are not a replacement for your current IT department; they are merely an extension of your team. They can handle data backup and disaster recovery tasks and ensure that all necessary software updates and security patches are consistently downloaded. They can also identify issues and fix problems before they cause any significant damage to your data or network.
Hiring Co-Managed IT has a become more affordable over the past few years as many offer a-la-carte or hourly services. This step could be the first step towards significantly improving and protecting your business.
Making an adequate, solid plan is a great way to start on the path of reaching your goals for 2023. Give these resolutions a try, and you will see immediate benefits in the overall health of your business.