This isn’t another ‘CLOUD BLOG FROM BRETT,’ but hopefully it will give you a little more insight as to whether your organization is safe from the BAD PEOPLE… I want to make sure you understand that going to the cloud doesn’t necessarily provide you with an automatic secure environment for your infrastructure, but it helps the cause.
Here are some stats for you to consider:
- 88 million people work in the SMB space (Small and Mid-Sized Business, 250 employees or less)
- 99 out of every 100 companies are in the SMB space
- 97% of SMB business leaders consider security to be important to the viability to their business.
- 62% of businesses in the SMB space are targeted for security breaches each year
Let me give you a story about a DSL that we installed in our lab environment in the office. The DSL was installed to 1 PC and not connected to any other device on the network. Over the course of 10 days our DSL was ‘attacked’ by:
- 9 different countries
- 1 automated brute force attack of 7,000 attempts
- 100 other attacks by multiple individuals
This was on a simple DSL which was not hooked up to our network! When was the last time that you did any evaluation or analytics on your network security? There are many organizations that have premise-based infrastructure and/or have moved servers to a data center. Regardless, you still need to evaluate how secure your firewall edge devices are. Remember, Target’s breach was not from someone coming through the firewall but a vendor through their VPN. This is a conversation that we are having with our clients daily just so they can have the peace of mind that they are in the right security environment for their business.
I am going to give you two websites that will help you determine your organization’s viability on whether you have a safe environment.
Norse Attack Map: Helps you understand the amount of activity that hackers have going on and I bet this is less than 1% of the true activity that is going on in the world. This website will allow you to see where security attacks are coming from, going to, and the type of attacks. Run it on your PC for about 15 minutes and it will mesmerize you.
Fortiguard – Test Your Metal: Fortinet (CTG is a Fortinet partner) will test for malware and other items on your network. This will give you a quick gauge on what you have on your network.
For more information about how secure your network is and how your network can be evaluated, email us at:
For more information about Corporate Technologies Group, Inc. click here:
Download our Network Security Checklist below.
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