Time Is On My Side – NOT!

August 5, 2024

The Rolling Stones said that “TIME IS ON MY SIDE”.  If you are running a business or a department, or are just a part of the general work world today, this is simply not the case. We see with many of our clients that the evaluation process around new technologies is anything but quick and easy.

Our clients ask and expect @Corporate Technologies Group to provide feedback that is not only honest and thought provoking but feedback that aligns with their business strategy.

Here’s a case study of one of our clients:

Client Profile:

  • Current technology does not fit the business needs when the cyber security requirements put the company at risk of attachment and loss of cyber insurance coverage. They were not compliant with their payment processing system, which represented 30% of their annual revenue.
  • Limited internal expertise around the complete tech stack in place today.  External expertise was required to meet the compliance and complexity of the systems available.
  • The internal Quarterback was not supported in organizing the buying process as multiple areas and technologies are used to run the business.
  • Multiple platforms needed network refreshes. The company didn’t have the internal resources to assess the current situation and determine the direction the business needs to take to navigate the options in the market with budget considerations.

CTG helped our client better understand the needs and goals for this situation. First, we took the time to understand the business. As with all our clients, we then evaluate the technology and determine the strengths and needs of your business. We then perform an assessment, make a recommendation, and develop an action plan around the goals.

Clients who may do this on their own have to source options from multiple suppliers, multiple meetings, demos, and pricing exercises, as well as make sure you are asking all the right questions to ensure that this will align with the other “moves” you have to make in the up-and-coming years. Our goal is to calculate a plan that would meet the budget, saving you time and effort and allowing you to focus on your core business.

This is why effective outsourcing makes the most sense. At CTG, being a “Unified Service Provider” allows us to take the burden of sourcing off your shoulders.  We are your “Business Technology QB,” an outsourced team that works on your behalf.

For more information on Corporate Technologies Group, call us at 330-655-8144 or follow us on LinkedIn!

