4 Common Setbacks With Ineffective Technology Change Management

Technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, empowering businesses to accomplish more in less time. The transformations that technology has brought about in the business world are mind-boggling and with transformative change comes stress. Without a defined change management strategy in place, avoidable inconsistencies are more likely to occur and you risk disrupting essential operations and losing valuable team members …

Why Apply Change Management Principles to Your Technology Upgrade

The technological landscape has advanced dramatically over the last couple of decades and continues to move faster than anyone could have ever imagined. Failure to keep up with the latest technology trends and current business practices can put your company at risk, but just investing in next-generation technologies does not guarantee successful implementation. When implementing new technology, you may want …

Change Management Basics for Technology Refreshes

Once you’ve completed a technology audit and prioritized the order in which you’ll close gaps in your infrastructure, it’s critical to remember that there are actions you must take prior to implementation for change to be successful and well-received by your team. Change produces stress in technology environments and among those who implement or are affected by the change. This …

6 Questions to Ask Before Implementing a Technology Change

It can be exciting to introduce new technology into your business. Finding a solution that will help your team members do their jobs more efficiently and effectively by filling a gap in your technology infrastructure is certainly an achievement. However, before you get carried away with quickly implementing your new solution to reap the benefits, there are a few things …

Cyber Security Is More Important Now Than Ever – Is Your Business Prepared?

Over the past few years, instances of cyberthreats have increased at an alarming rate, and they don’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Awareness around cyber security has certainly improved over the past year, with 9 in 10 Americans stating that they are somewhat concerned about hacking that involves their personal information, financial institutions, government agencies or certain utilities. …