The Green Side of Cloud Computing

There are the very obvious benefits of cloud computing: increased security, decreased downtime, enabling a mobile workforce, and reducing hardware and maintenance costs to name a few. Then there are the less obvious benefits, like a decreased impact on our world and supporting a more sustainable business model. Six reasons the cloud is a greener solution are outlined in a white …

[Infographic] Comparing Cloud vs. In-House Servers

Every day we are hearing more about the growth of cloud computing in business. It’s big business, and it’s good business too. If you’re still not sure how it measures up against on-site data, check out this infographic for 9 compelling points of comparison. If you think you’re ready to shift your operations to the cloud, contact the experts at Corporate Technologies Group. …

Cloud Predicted to Have $1 Trillion Impact

IT firms have long understood why moving to the cloud is good for the bottom line. It has a host of benefits to businesses ranging from increased security, decreased downtime, enabling a mobile workforce, and reducing hardware and maintenance costs. And now the numbers are showing that many other industries are embracing cloud technology in various types of applications. Gartner has just …

Cloudy with a Chance of Poor Network Performance

It is said that currently only 15% of the market is using Microsoft 365 (cloud-based office) and that over the next two years Microsoft is going to phase out premise-based MS office.  The average company has 6 cloud applications working on their network through different departments of their organization.  Many departments set up cloud services without IT knowing about it.  …

Cloud Computing: Fact vs. Fiction

The cloud isn’t just for techies anymore. It’s an important change in the way businesses operate and if you don’t understand it yet, you need to make an effort before you’re left behind. Cloud computing provides an agile platform from which ideas and innovations can be tested in little time and minimal costs, thus enhancing speed-to-market. Here IoT Expert Ahmed Banafa dispels …

4 Tips to Optimize Your Experience with Managed Cloud Providers

When considering moving your business to the cloud, you need to decide how much involvement you want in managing that cloud. The cloud doesn’t run itself. Some people fear they will “lose control of their data” if they outsource cloud management. However, managed cloud providers aren’t taking control, they are using their training to make sure your data is safe …

3 Reasons HR in the Cloud Is For You

There’s been quite a focus on the weather the last couple of years.  Well, sort of.  You have to admit that every time you hear about the “cloud” that you can’t help but think of the sky, even if just for a split second.  With so many options, from cloud computing to storage, to public and private, how can the cloud help …

5 Myths About Cloud Computing: Busted

When it comes to Cloud Computing, there are plenty of businesses that just don’t get it. They believe that keeping their data on site is safer and that the cloud isn’t the right solution for them. But, they’re missing out on a tremendous resource. One that can increase their security, reduce their IT costs, and provide business continuity in the …