Cloud Computing: An Educated Way to Spend Less Time and Money

It’s an understatement to say cloud computing is growing, and at this point everyone is aware of the acceleration of cloud. According to Gartner, more than $1 trillion in IT spending will be directly or indirectly affected by the shift to cloud over the next five years. The cloud has generated a technology revolution for SMBs that offers up a …

A Solution for SMBs Looking for Protection from Cyber Crime

In the wake of the WannaCry attack, cyber security concerns have escalated, as they should. The statistics on data breaches are harrowing. SMBs represent more than 50% of data breaches. The National Cyber Security Alliance found that 60% of small companies are unable to sustain their businesses over six months after a cyber-attack. The proliferation of ransomware alone is astounding. In 2016, there were …

10 Benefits of Working with a Vendor-Agnostic Cloud Solution Consultant

When you integrate the cloud into your operations, you are exposed to a vast array of service options. There are no shortage of cloud providers in the market, and they will all assure you that their solution is the best one. Instead of dealing with the hassle of discerning the truth from the sales pitch, consider a vendor-agnostic Cloud Solution Consultant. …

Cloud Security Concerns Finally Fading in C-Suite

Cloud adoption has been plagued with concerns about security since its inception. It’s one of the most common objections we hear. As network experts, we’ve been confident that the public would eventually see it our way. Cloud computing is incredibly safe, often more so than on-premise hosting. Businesses have been using the cloud for pieces of their operations, like email, HR, …

Cloudshift and Bandwidth: Is Your Network Ready?

Cloudshift is occurring across all categories of business from single applications to total cloud solutions. It’s not surprising. The cloud delivers scalability, mobility, redundancy, and security all at a lower cost over traditional network cores. But, shifting to the cloud isn’t as simple as flipping a switch and all your data and operations just work seamlessly.  You need to consider …

SD-WAN, Moving Your Network to the Cloud

Imagine your data in the cloud… Be honest, did you actually picture a cloud? I think a lot of people do. But the cloud is just someone else’s computer in some other location. It’s not as mystical when you put it that way, but that doesn’t make it less powerful. Frankly, by moving our data to be safeguarded by experts in …

2017 Enterprise Networking Predictions

The end of the year is a great time to look back and see how our industry has changed and consider what the future holds for communications. The oncoming year will be full of development and change in the network world. Here are a few predictions that have been made that we agree with: SDN Moves Beyond the Data Center. The …

Hosted Vs. On-Premise PBX – What’s the Difference?

Moving forward from your legacy system is a no-brainer. The advantages of scalability, enhanced security, constant updates, and workforce mobility are clearly a win for any business. But how do you decide whether to host on premise or off site? What are the differences?Here is some info to help you sort it out from What is Hosted Phone (PBX) ? …

Cloud Security Concerns? You’re Not Alone.

You hear about the cloud constantly now. For some companies, they use it daily and know what it entails (and the benefits of it). But, for many organizations, it’s still just a buzz word; a trend in computing and data that they’ll wait to adopt until ‘all the kinks are worked out’. But they’re missing out. Our partners at RapidScale have some …

CTG Hosts Tech Summit to Engage with Cloud Thought Leaders

This week Corporate Technologies Group hosted a Technology Summit designed exclusively for CIO/IT leaders who want to enhance their knowledge around IT innovation and cloud transformation. The Summit was led by Michael Sterl, Chief Strategy Officer for Carve Digital and IT Thought Leader. The days’ speakers included representatives from CTG and several of their partner cloud solution providers, most of which are …